Apr 7, 01:35 PM
And I see people are still taking the word monopoly used here too literally.
Yeah, we know what a real monopoly is. Thanks.
And here in the U.S. It generally starts with a company getting too much of the market and stifling out the competition. That's why there's the FTC.
Ok, so if you know what a monopoly is, why are you ok with the word being used incorrectly? And the FTC still can't prosecute or investigate unless there is evidence of wrongdoing...based on the actual, legal definition of monopoly.
I don't get what you are trying to say. Is it that you know the legal definition of monopoly and anti-competetive, but you don't care because it looks like Apple has a monopoly, and think the FTC will investigate them based on how it feels?
Aelated to the subject line, if it were any other company, like Microsoft, Dell or whomever pre-ordering and buying whole supply lines knowing their competitors would be strangled, there would be an antitrust/monopoly case launched immediately. The simple fact that Apple is a media and government darling precludes them from any serious thought by officials that would choose to stop this monopoly from continuing. Just as above, I know 9/10 fans here will blast me for stating the honest truth, but.. true story bro. Apple can do no wrong and their fan base is living proof of that.
Apple is a media darling, but how is it a government darling? Apple has been investigated in the past.
Apple can certainly do wrong in its customers eyes. It is currently screwing over is true Pro customers. They are being slow in adopting a few new technologies that would leapfrog them (VFS, resolution independence). Many customers complain about the price (although Apple rarely lowers them, a hike is even more rare). Apple is currently straddling a position where they must cater to their growing casual users and their pro customers. And they are generally picking the casual, but also transitioning the Pros. For example, the new MacPros are a huge ripoff unless you go big...but you can get an iMac for a fraction of the price thats faster/equal to the low end MP.
There are many people here who like to say Apple only acts in its own best interest, and not for customers interests, etc etc. Please name ONE example where they acted solely in their own self interest to the detriment of customers. This does not count simple business decisions (like discontinuing Xserve since it wasn't selling well). Many of their decisions have explanations or alternative solutions...but then, that would make me a fanboy if I explained it I suppose. Apple is no angel but it is certainly no devil, and it is far more competent than most tech companies.
There are Apple fans out there, but also people who choose them simply because they like it better. If someone is an Android/Windows fan thats fine. I don't complain about any of their products, business decisions. or saturation of business as unfair. Mostly, because I frankly don't care; they haven't offered a product I have been interested in since college. I'm sure HTC and Samsung make quality gear, but there is no buzz around them. Its not because Apple pays people. Its because people, especially creative and non-computer saavy people (which means most of the population and opinion leaders) like using Apple products. If you think that automatically means the product sucks, then I can't help you.
In general, if Apple is so bad and its followers so stupid, then how come they are crushing in the tablet and music market, leading the phone market (in design, mindshare, and media coverage), and coveted in the laptop market (running the most profitable customers and setting the standard for design and quality)?
Its called results, or, figuring out what customers want from their computers.
Yeah, we know what a real monopoly is. Thanks.
And here in the U.S. It generally starts with a company getting too much of the market and stifling out the competition. That's why there's the FTC.
Ok, so if you know what a monopoly is, why are you ok with the word being used incorrectly? And the FTC still can't prosecute or investigate unless there is evidence of wrongdoing...based on the actual, legal definition of monopoly.
I don't get what you are trying to say. Is it that you know the legal definition of monopoly and anti-competetive, but you don't care because it looks like Apple has a monopoly, and think the FTC will investigate them based on how it feels?
Aelated to the subject line, if it were any other company, like Microsoft, Dell or whomever pre-ordering and buying whole supply lines knowing their competitors would be strangled, there would be an antitrust/monopoly case launched immediately. The simple fact that Apple is a media and government darling precludes them from any serious thought by officials that would choose to stop this monopoly from continuing. Just as above, I know 9/10 fans here will blast me for stating the honest truth, but.. true story bro. Apple can do no wrong and their fan base is living proof of that.
Apple is a media darling, but how is it a government darling? Apple has been investigated in the past.
Apple can certainly do wrong in its customers eyes. It is currently screwing over is true Pro customers. They are being slow in adopting a few new technologies that would leapfrog them (VFS, resolution independence). Many customers complain about the price (although Apple rarely lowers them, a hike is even more rare). Apple is currently straddling a position where they must cater to their growing casual users and their pro customers. And they are generally picking the casual, but also transitioning the Pros. For example, the new MacPros are a huge ripoff unless you go big...but you can get an iMac for a fraction of the price thats faster/equal to the low end MP.
There are many people here who like to say Apple only acts in its own best interest, and not for customers interests, etc etc. Please name ONE example where they acted solely in their own self interest to the detriment of customers. This does not count simple business decisions (like discontinuing Xserve since it wasn't selling well). Many of their decisions have explanations or alternative solutions...but then, that would make me a fanboy if I explained it I suppose. Apple is no angel but it is certainly no devil, and it is far more competent than most tech companies.
There are Apple fans out there, but also people who choose them simply because they like it better. If someone is an Android/Windows fan thats fine. I don't complain about any of their products, business decisions. or saturation of business as unfair. Mostly, because I frankly don't care; they haven't offered a product I have been interested in since college. I'm sure HTC and Samsung make quality gear, but there is no buzz around them. Its not because Apple pays people. Its because people, especially creative and non-computer saavy people (which means most of the population and opinion leaders) like using Apple products. If you think that automatically means the product sucks, then I can't help you.
In general, if Apple is so bad and its followers so stupid, then how come they are crushing in the tablet and music market, leading the phone market (in design, mindshare, and media coverage), and coveted in the laptop market (running the most profitable customers and setting the standard for design and quality)?
Its called results, or, figuring out what customers want from their computers.
Aug 11, 09:47 AM
So all this rumors about the Merom MBP are getting strong, all I want is to have it available at the end of this month or the beginning of the next, do you guys think this is possible?
Mar 28, 09:45 AM
Who is this joker?
Apple�s apparent focus on software in its WWDC announcement backs up what my own sources are saying about the annual conference. That is, expect a software show in not a hardware event.
It's a DEVELOPERS CONFERENCE it is always focused on software. This announcement does nothing to prove either way.
Apple�s apparent focus on software in its WWDC announcement backs up what my own sources are saying about the annual conference. That is, expect a software show in not a hardware event.
It's a DEVELOPERS CONFERENCE it is always focused on software. This announcement does nothing to prove either way.
Apr 25, 10:00 AM
Am I the only one who sees the threat of moving to Android as a petty attempt to get Steve to reply? The writer of this email obviously didn't do any research, and he obviously doesn't understand that Steve would see right through a threat like that. This whole thing is a non-issue. I don't care if someone knows where my iPhone has been. I'm worried about far more important things such as protecting my financial information, which I keep in an encrypted disk image in case my laptop gets stolen.
Apr 28, 11:54 AM
Wow. You brought actual stats to the table. I stand corrected on the melting bit:o
Don't panic
May 3, 04:34 PM
i took the liberty to re-write the rules AS I UNDERSTANND THEM, which incorporate all the Q&A
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
there are a couple of passages that are still unclear to me, which are higlighted in red:
The game begins with 1 villain and 7 heroes. The villain and each of the heroes have their own story and motivations that are PMed to them and not unveiled publicly.
The roles will be known to all from the beginning - there will be no secret roles. The only secrets in this game are: the full map (only the Game Masters and the Villain has access) and the secret motivations/powers of the Couple, the Wizard and the Adventurers.
The map will be slowly revealed to the Heroes as they move through the mansion.
The Villain:
The villain made a deal with Satan in which he takes over the mansion and it's many treasures, as well as take control of The Artifact. The Villain is the only player to have knowledge of the full map at the onset. With The Artifact, the villain is able to place monsters and traps anywhere in the mansion. The Artifact also enables the villain to self-heal (1 HP per turn). The Artifact can only be accessed in the Lair. If the villain moves away from the Lair, he will not be able to either set monsters/traps or self-heal.
The villain starts at level 16 and cannot level up whatsoever. His stats were determined by how many heroes there are (2 HP and AP for each playing hero).
His Goal: kill’em all.
The Heroes:
They all start at level 1. Their stats begin at 1 HP and 1 AP. Each time they level up, 1 HP and 1 AP will be added to their stats.
Certain heroes have special powers known only to them, and revealed to the other heroes at their own discretion.
The Couple: Two heroes are the parents of a child who is suffering from a loathsome disease. To save their daughter, they must obtain The Artifact and call forth it's powers.
The Wizard: He was sent in by the King to stop the Villain. He has awesome magical powers.
Adventurers: Here for glory and treasure.
Heroes’ Goal: tthe endgame is slightly different for the different characters, but it requires killing the villain and retrieving The Artifact.
Note: Some scenarios see all surviving heroes as winners, some only some of them.
Game Mechanics:
Each rounds consist of a double turn for the heros followed by a double turn for the villain. Each turn corresponds to one action.
There is no time limite on any turn: the Heroes’ turn ends when the team leader communicates his decision to the GMs. The villain turns is all by PM.
At the beginning, the Band of Heroes choses its Leader (by voting). The Leader can be changed at any time by a simple majority, and it applies from the following turn
Heroes actions (decided by the leader in the thread, which should, but not necessarily has to, reflect the group opinion expressed through voting/discussion exclusively in the thread):
1) Move: the group opens a passage and moves into the next room.
2) Explore: the group explores the room they are in. they can find and disable traps, find and collect treasure.
3) Split and move: part of the group splits into a separate sub-group, who will have a separate turn(s) from next turn on. The new group chooses a new leader, the old group retains the old leader. The first, immediate, action of the new group HAS to be to move into a separate room (or stay in a room if the other group moves. If two groups get back into the same room, the next turn they can choose to merge again. When groups merge, they choose a new common leader. The splitting per se doesn’t count as a move, but the splinter group has to immediately move/explore, so it counts as that group's action.
4) Special actions: determined by the characters’ special powers. No one except a character knows the nature, extension or frequency of use of any of the special powers, including the villain. They are additional moves to the regular ones.
Villain actions: communicated to the GMs by PMs, but he can post in the thread if so he wishes
When he is in his lair, in the presence of the Artifact, the Villain can:
1) summon and place one or more new monster to any empty room, provided he has the required aura points. Big monster cost more aura points. Once a monster is assigned to a room, it can never be moved elsewhere
2) build one or more new trap and place it in any empty room, including already explored ones, provided he has enough aura points. Big traps cost more points.
1 and 2 can be combined in one turn, provided enough points are available
3) heal himself 1 HP
from any position he can
4) move to another room
5) wait and earn 1 aura point. The villain can instead decide (active communication to the GM) to wait and collect points, which can then be used to summon monsters or build traps (to do this he has to go back to the Lair).
he can wait for as many consecutive turns he wants, in which no other actions are performed by the villain
the Villain starts with an undisclosed amount of traps and monsters which are all placed at the beginning of the game
Monsters: Monsters lurk in their assigned room and don’t move. They will automatically attack the group entering the room in a fight to the death of one of the parties. Monsters do not attack the villain.
Traps: any armed trap is triggered any time heroes attempts to leave the room where the trap is concealed in without exploring it.
The amount of damage depends on the trap and is randomly distributed (or otherwise stated). The Villain is immune to all traps.
Treasures: they are placed by the GM at the beginning of the game, both GM and the Villain know their locations.
Level treasure: everyone in the group discovering it, levels up
Healing treasure: : 5 HP are assigned to each of the discoverers, up to their level.
Fights: A fight starts whenever heroes enter a room with monsters or the villain, and it is always a team battle.
The Attack Points (AP) of each side are combined. The total AP represents the total damage inflicted to the other side. This is randomly distributed to each component of the other side (if more than one), and subtracted from their individual HP.
When HP=0, then the monster or character is dead.
In case of equal stats, the winner will be determined by, and the loser's stats will be knocked down one point, and the consequences applied accordingly.
example: say our team has split up, and we have three Heroes (the Couple and an Adventurer), stumble upon a Monster. Let's assume that our Heroes is level 2. That would mean they both have 2 HP and 2 AP. The unfortunate Monster has 3 HP and 3 AP. Oh no! But wait, we combine the three heroes' stats, so the Team's stats are 6 HP and 6 AP. Poor Monster, indeed. It's dead, but its 3 AP means it'll hit the Team with 3 HP - each point will be assigned randomly to the members.
Stats: all heroes start at 1HP, 1AP and gain 1 point each per level.
When attacking, a group is considered like one entity and their AP combine.
When receiving damage, the damage points are randomly distributed (
When receiving healing from treasure, the heal points are randomly distributed in a group.
The maximum HP of a character cannot exceed its level
Levelling: Discover treasure: gain a level. Kill a monster: gain a level. That's it.
There is no maximum level, and levels are gained by all the participant in the group who did the killing/discovery
Sep 11, 02:31 AM
IF that TiVo rumor is true, it will be a dream come to life!
Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.
I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:
Proud owner of a Mac....and a Tivo w/DVD burner.
I can't see how Apple can begin an sell movies and not also sell a Media Mac.
It would be like iTMS and no iPods... how well would that work? :rolleyes:
Mar 29, 08:43 AM
I'm glad Amazon rolled this out before Apple in the sense that I hope it pushes Apple to roll out a cloud subscription that handily beats Amazon's offering.
Apr 5, 04:05 PM
Hmmm, a car company catering to a group largely comprised of teenagers and young adults whom (presumably) have little disposable income? Doesn't sound like the best idea to me personally, but what do I know...
Um, what do you think Apple does? Have you been in an Apple Store lately? I'll tell you, its like a high school pep rally. Even Apple admits that the majority of their revenue comes from iGadgets, not Macs. That is, the majority of Apple's revenue comes from devices that cost less than $500. Devices that are based around an mp3 player. Apple would not likely be around today if it wasn't for "teenagers and young adults whom (presumably) have little disposable income" buying iPods.
Um, what do you think Apple does? Have you been in an Apple Store lately? I'll tell you, its like a high school pep rally. Even Apple admits that the majority of their revenue comes from iGadgets, not Macs. That is, the majority of Apple's revenue comes from devices that cost less than $500. Devices that are based around an mp3 player. Apple would not likely be around today if it wasn't for "teenagers and young adults whom (presumably) have little disposable income" buying iPods.
![clip art borders and frames. clip art borders and frames free. clip art borders and frames.](
May 4, 03:40 PM
Fine. Seems like a logical move, but if Apple wants me to foot part of the bill for distributing their software (via my paid Internet connection) then I certainly expect a significant cut in the cost of the upgrade.
If you drive to the store to buy it instead, should they pay for your gas?
If you order it online, should they pay you for the bit of bandwidth that you used up in placing your order?
Maybe you'll be eco-friendly and walk to the store instead? Bill 'em for new soles on your shoes!
If you drive to the store to buy it instead, should they pay for your gas?
If you order it online, should they pay you for the bit of bandwidth that you used up in placing your order?
Maybe you'll be eco-friendly and walk to the store instead? Bill 'em for new soles on your shoes!
May 6, 06:07 AM
I'm not saying this rumor is true, but I am saying "never say never". They are Apple, they will make it work no matter what processor they go with. :)
Steve did say they had a goal of making OS X CPU/platform-agnostic. The Accelerate.framework, which came out before Apple announced they were switching to Intel, was the first publicly announced piece of this plan. Remember when all the 1337 coders said they could write better hand optimized Altivec code than what Apple could produce with their layer/wrapper? The people that used the Accelerate.framework had that much less to do to get their applications Intel-native.
Steve did say they had a goal of making OS X CPU/platform-agnostic. The Accelerate.framework, which came out before Apple announced they were switching to Intel, was the first publicly announced piece of this plan. Remember when all the 1337 coders said they could write better hand optimized Altivec code than what Apple could produce with their layer/wrapper? The people that used the Accelerate.framework had that much less to do to get their applications Intel-native.
Jul 31, 04:20 AM
Wow. That must've wasted a ton of your time.
I don't believe this rumour to be honest, but it's fun to spectulate.
For goodness sakes, the delivery date aside, Apple has already virtually confirmed that an Apple phone is on the way.
I don't believe this rumour to be honest, but it's fun to spectulate.
For goodness sakes, the delivery date aside, Apple has already virtually confirmed that an Apple phone is on the way.
Mar 30, 11:13 AM
Kudos to Amazon for allowing non-amazon content to be saved. This is just plain cool. The revamped Mobile Me will be plagued by Apple's MO.
May 4, 06:58 PM
It's bootable (the, ahem, pirated versions of Lion are distributed as dmgs.)
That doesn't mean the App Store version is. Only that the "pirated" versions are. They could have been made bootable after the fact.
That doesn't mean the App Store version is. Only that the "pirated" versions are. They could have been made bootable after the fact.
Sep 15, 08:48 PM
Does that mean that no updates for the 15"s? :o
Might mean that they have 15'' boxes that are stil availible to be BTOed where as the supply of the "old" 17'' has run dry.
Might mean that they have 15'' boxes that are stil availible to be BTOed where as the supply of the "old" 17'' has run dry.
Apr 21, 02:52 PM
I hope this is true because I'd like to replace my going-on 4 year-old PC with a Mac Pro at some point, but the current case just won't fit in the IKEA wardrobe I'm using as a workstation. It sounds like this new Mac Pro would be smaller than my existing PC. Yea Apple!
Funny to see you are basing a $4000 computer purchase on a $79 piece of crap-KEA furniture - LOL. I'm with you on Yea Apple!
Funny to see you are basing a $4000 computer purchase on a $79 piece of crap-KEA furniture - LOL. I'm with you on Yea Apple!
Sep 16, 01:07 PM
This is where I read about resindependence:
May 7, 05:08 PM
I say that they make it free to Mac users and like $29 a year for Windows users.
Aug 2, 10:58 AM
I like this guy. He's being reasonable. However, I'd bet that Apple does NOT update any other Macs to Core 2. Yet. Save that for Expo Paris.
You see, Apple always wants to make sure that everyone knows exactly what's in the spotlight at any given time. Right now it's the MacBook and Wireless Mighty Mouse. Before that it was the Mac mini and the iPod Hi-Fi. Before that, the MacBook Pro and iMac. Before that, the iPod nano/video.
Apple isn't going to all of a sudden roll out an OS preview, three new computers, and a new iPod.
EDIT: And oh yeah. Apple is also not going to roll out two iPods and a phone for the holiday season. I have my money on MWSF for the phone.
You see, Apple always wants to make sure that everyone knows exactly what's in the spotlight at any given time. Right now it's the MacBook and Wireless Mighty Mouse. Before that it was the Mac mini and the iPod Hi-Fi. Before that, the MacBook Pro and iMac. Before that, the iPod nano/video.
Apple isn't going to all of a sudden roll out an OS preview, three new computers, and a new iPod.
EDIT: And oh yeah. Apple is also not going to roll out two iPods and a phone for the holiday season. I have my money on MWSF for the phone.
Jul 21, 02:08 PM
i thought the merom chips have the same pricing as the yonah 5 or 6 month ago. that would mean apple could switch to all merom (MB, mini, MBP). especially since they are compared to dell & co. in the windows world you are almost forced to use the better chip (merom) because the competition is fierce.Merom is launching with Yonah's original pricing. Yonah is going to get another price drop later this year.
Nov 19, 02:09 AM
I think this is enough .....
I do agree with you. Those are the most effective way:p:o:cool:
I do agree with you. Those are the most effective way:p:o:cool:
Apr 10, 06:37 AM
48/2(9+3) Brackets first
48/2(12) Brackets first. Then division, multiplication, addition, subtraction
48/2(12) Brackets first. Then division, multiplication, addition, subtraction
Apr 21, 03:17 PM
You'd think they'd want maybe to put more capabilities into expanding the GPU power to help with OpenCL and GCD - we'll see, but wouldn't a Mac Pro mountable rack or a new Xserve version want this?
Sep 16, 12:38 PM
That would be nice, but it seems unlikely. Apple seem to consider the black MacBook the small "professional" laptop. Maybe it'll get a descrete GPU though, that would be pretty good, no?
This could happen, too...a new MB with better GPU for the "quasi-pro" users...the rest is OK with the MB, I think...but with backlit keyboard would be even better.
This could happen, too...a new MB with better GPU for the "quasi-pro" users...the rest is OK with the MB, I think...but with backlit keyboard would be even better.